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Think You're Pregnant?
You Are Not Alone!

Your first step to clarity in your pregnancy journey is pregnancy testing. We offer free and confidential pregnancy services, options education, and more support. Our team is here for you as you navigate this season. There is confidence that comes in getting answers. We can help.

Services We Offer

Difficult Roads Lead to Beautiful Destinations


While there are many common signs of pregnancy — missed period, tender breasts, mood swings, fatigue, nausea — you can’t know for sure unless you take a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Schedule a free pregnancy testing appointment with us today.

You can’t tell someone has an STI just by looking at them, and you can’t rely on or wait for symptoms before wondering if you have an STI. Instead, it’s better to be proactive and learn as soon as possible whether you have and STD or not.

An ultrasound ultimately answers three important questions: How far along is the pregnancy? Where is the pregnancy located? Is the pregnancy viable? Even if your pregnancy test came back positive, your pregnancy can be nonviable. This happens if your body naturally miscarries; a pregnancy test may indicate pregnancy but the ultrasound tells more about the pregnancy. Schedule a free appointment with us today to begin pregnancy confirmation.

After an abortion, women experience many emotional and physical changes. Hope Women’s Center recommends a post abortion exam with a licensed medical professional to ensure your health is maintained. This exam is offered at no cost to you and can be vital to help you in recovery. Our comprehensive post abortion exam may include a general health assessment, a physical exam, lab studies, and a sonographic exam.

Is Abortion Recovery Difficult?

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