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If you are pregnant and feeling alone, don’t. Unplanned pregnancy affects 1 in 2 women who conceive in this country, and they will each find a unique solution. Our team will help you sort through your options to find the scenario that works best for you: adoption or parenting.

One of the questions you may ask after learning you have an unplanned pregnancy is whether you can take care of a baby. Some factors to consider:

  • Am I ready to care for another human being at this time in my life?
  • Do I have the financial and emotional resources I’ll need to provide for a baby?
  • Is the father supportive? Will my family help?
  • Can I put my educational or career plans on hold when the baby arrives?

These questions may cause you to feel anxious, confused or stressed. We can help you sort through the answers, offering respectful guidance and realistic plans.

Voluntary adoption isn’t giving up – It’s giving MORE! Are you pregnant? Are you considering placing your baby for adoption? Do you want to pick the adoptive parents? We can help.

Make an appointment today with a trained adoption counselor to learn more.

Know my state.
Know my options.