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Post-Abortion MEDICAL CARE

Emotional side effects of abortion may appear immediately or gradually over a longer period of time. Seeking support during this time is important. At Hope Women’s Center, we’re here to help you through this time.

After an abortion, women experience many emotional and physical changes. Hope Women’s Center recommends a post abortion exam with a licensed medical professional to ensure your health is maintained. This exam is offered at no cost to you and can be vital to help you in recovery.

Our comprehensive post abortion exam may include:

  • General health assessment
  • Physical exam
  • Lab studies
  • Sonographic exam

Make an appointment today to speak with a licensed medical provider and learn what steps you can take to begin to heal.

We are here for you no matter where you are in this process. You do not have to face this journey on your own. Contact us to set up a free and confidential post abortion exam to discuss your situation. Together, we can find a solution.

You Are Not Alone

If you, your partner, or someone you know has experienced an abortion, we are here to care for you. You don’t have to figure out the next steps all on your own.

Women respond differently to their abortion experiences. Many women feel relief right after, but for some women, grief, and despair come over them days, months, or even years later. We can help.

Side Effects of Abortion

Your emotions are valid. Give yourself lots of grace during this time and let yourself feel emotions that maybe you’ve been suppressing. A study revealed that women who have an abortion face an increased risk for mental health problems, including substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. 

Maybe you felt relief after the abortion but then later had feelings of regret, loss, grief, sadness, and anger. Other common emotional side effects of abortion include:

  • Isolation
  • Guilt
  • Emotional pain
  • Nightmares
  • Anger or rage
  • Suicidal impulses
  • Self-destructive behavior

Healing is possible. If you’ve had an abortion and you’re beginning to feel the emotion of it all, we want you to know we’re here for you. Many women experience different emotions after terminating a pregnancy so don’t feel you’re alone during this time. 

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