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Have you taken the first dose of the abortion pill method and regret it? Many women have been right where you are, wondering if it’s too late to go back. You are not alone.

It may not be too late for you, as 68 percent of women seeking to reverse the effect of the abortion pill have found success and continued to have healthy pregnancies. There is hope!

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

Medical abortion ends a pregnancy through a medication regimen using mifepristone and misoprostol. These two drugs combined are also known as the abortion pill.

To understand how abortion pill reversal works, you first need to understand the abortion pill process.

The first drug, Mifepristone, blocks the natural hormone progesterone that thickens the uterine wall. This hormone provides all the necessary nutrients to the womb that helps the pregnancy survive. Without it, the lack of progesterone terminates the pregnancy.

The second drug, misoprostol, causes cramping that expels all parts of the pregnancy through the vagina.

Abortion Pill Reversal Method

The abortion pill reversal (APR) procedure can only be attempted after the first dose of medical abortion (mifepristone/RU-486) is taken orally and is ineffective after the second set of pills (misoprostol).

The protocol is only effective within 24 hours of taking mifepristone and involves a large influx of progesterone into the pregnant woman’s system. Since the first abortion drug, Mifepristone, blocks where progesterone would normally be absorbed, an influx of progesterone can outcompete for the available binding spaces.

The Abortion Pill Rescue Network shares how successful reversals have been when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the first abortion pill. It’s important to try and start the reversal as soon as you can, ideally within 24 hours of taking mifepristone.

To get started, call us today at 972-562-4673 or simply walk in. Abortion pill reversal is available 24/7 at our center. 

Safe & Effective

The abortion pill reversal process is very safe and effective. Progesterone, a naturally-occurring hormone in pregnancy, is used in the abortion pill reversal (APR) process. Progesterone has been used supplementally for pregnancies for more than 50 years. No undesired effects are known, and the hormone is proven effective in many cases.

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