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Yes, some fertility medications, like Menopur® & Repronex®, contain synthetic human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which can lead to a false positive pregnancy test. 

Pregnancy tests have a reactive strip designed to detect the hCG hormone to confirm a pregnancy. When the strip detects the presence of hCG from the medication, this affects the pregnancy test results. 

What Else Can Affect Pregnancy Test Results?


If you have recently miscarried in the past few days, there may still be detectable levels of hCG, which can result in a false positive. An ultrasound following a positive pregnancy test will confirm if the pregnancy is viable.

Inaccurate readings

Even if you read the marketing claims of 99% accuracy, medical professionals have reported a false negative rate of up to 5% on pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy tests have the potential to yield false negative outcomes due to their ability to detect only a specific type of pregnancy hormone. An altered version of the hormone may be present in the urine, leading to the test’s failure to detect the actual pregnancy.

User Error

Whether you take the test too soon, use too much urine, or wait too long to read the results, mistakes can happen, and user error can still occur. One of the best ways to trust the results is to take multiple pregnancy tests.

When Should I Get an Ultrasound?

If you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms, have doubts about the accuracy of your pregnancy test results, or simply want the peace of mind that comes with an ultrasound, we offer this free service at our center. An ultrasound will be offered following confirmation of a positive pregnancy in our clinic.

This digital image of your uterus can confirm whether or not you are pregnant by providing a scan of your uterus. In addition to confirming pregnancy, it can also inform you of important details, like the gestational age or the location of the pregnancy.

For example, if the pregnancy is located outside of the uterus, this is a non-viable ectopic pregnancy and will require immediate medical attention. 

At Hope Women’s Center, we offer free consultations in addition to ultrasounds so you can learn about your pregnancy and ask questions in a safe, supportive environment.

Contact us today to make an appointment!

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