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If you only took the first drug of the abortion pill (mifepristone) and not the second, it could still be possible to reverse the abortion pill.  Did you know you can reverse the effects of the abortion pill?

How Does The Abortion Pill Work?

The abortion pill utilizes two drugs to terminate a pregnancy: mifepristone and misoprostol. While the dosages and instructions may differ for each woman, the two drugs function the same. 

Mifepristone works to end the pregnancy by blocking the necessary pregnancy hormone, progesterone. Then, misoprostol will trigger contractions to push the pregnancy out through a series of cramping and bleeding. These drugs are typically taken about 24 to 48 hours apart. 

Can The Abortion Pill Be Reversed?

If you only took mifepristone, it’s possible to counteract the drug’s effects by flooding the receptors with progesterone. Time really is of the essence for this. The sooner you begin reversing mifepristone, the more likely it will work successfully. 

Data has shown that abortion pill reversal is about 64-68% effective with no apparent increase in risk of birth defects. The hormone progesterone has been used safely and routinely in pregnancies since the 1950’s to prevent early labor.

How Do I Find An Abortion Pill Reversal Provider?

If you’re looking for abortion pill reversal after only taking the first abortion drug, visit abortionpillreversal.com for immediate assistance. If you’re located near McKinney, Texas, you can use our live chat or call or text us at 972-562-4673.

Be Confident Before Making Any Pregnancy Decisions

If you haven’t decided on abortion yet, remember that it’s difficult to reverse any pregnancy decision. Instead, build your confidence before making a choice by understanding all the options and resources available to you.

At Hope Women’s Center, we’ll provide you with no-cost pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, and time to talk with our caring staff. We’ll equip you with information, and listen to your unique situation. It’s okay to not have everything figured out yet. Schedule an appointment today. We’d love to support you.

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