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Are you wondering if you’re still pregnant not long after taking the abortion pill? Though chances are slim, there is a chance this could happen if the drugs don’t work. 

Be sure to follow up with a medical professional to rule out any risks. They can tell you whether you have an ongoing pregnancy and if you are experiencing risks like incomplete abortion. 

We offer free post-abortion exams at Hope Women’s Center. If you think you’re experiencing complications, don’t hesitate to visit your local ER. 

Risk of Incomplete Abortion

Incomplete abortion is one of the risks of the abortion pill (also known as medical abortion). It happens when the body doesn’t release all of the pregnancy tissue. It may require surgical treatment.

Common symptoms of incomplete abortion include the following:

  • Cramping
  • Fever 
  • Lower back pain
  • Pelvic pain

Follow Up After Abortion

Be sure to receive medical attention after an abortion, as it’s vital to protecting your health. After taking the abortion pill, follow up with your healthcare professional, ideally in person.

Your doctor or healthcare professional can determine whether you are healing properly. They can also confirm if you’re experiencing an incomplete abortion or any other abortion complications.

The Mayo Clinic suggests calling a healthcare professional right away if you have any of the following symptoms after a medical abortion:

  • Heavy bleeding — soaking two or more pads an hour for two hours in a row.
  • Bad pain in the stomach area or pelvis.
  • Chills or body aches.
  • Fast heart rate.
  • Fever that lasts more than four hours or that starts in the days after you take misoprostol.
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Post-Abortion Medical Care

After abortion, you could be experiencing emotional and physical effects. Hope Women’s Center recommends a post-abortion exam with a licensed medical professional to ensure your health is maintained. 

We offer free and comprehensive post-abortion exams that may include:

  • General health assessment
  • Physical exam
  • Lab studies
  • Sonographic exam (ultrasound)

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to talk with one of our licensed medical providers to learn what steps to take next. You are not alone.

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