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Has your partner just announced her period is late and she thinks she is pregnant? It is a lot to take in. Even though our name is Hope Women’s Center, we’re here for you too.

We have men on our team who are available to support your important role in this process.

Where Do I Begin?

If she is genuinely pregnant, it impacts you emotionally just as much as her. It’s ok for both of you to feel overwhelmed.

No matter what your relationship is like now, you’re in this together. The first step, for both of you, is to confirm the pregnancy and find out how far along she is.

We offer free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds to help answer those questions. Come in, and let’s discuss your options.

We Can Help

Although the final decision is hers, many women say they really care about what their guy thinks. She needs to hear from you and you need to listen to her. Here are some other suggestions on how you can help:

  • Let her know you are there for her. More than anything, she doesn’t want to handle this on her own. She’s carrying the baby, but suddenly you are both parents.
  • Get the facts. Find out as much information as you possibly can.
  • Discuss your options. We offer options education. This is one of the most important decisions the two of you will ever make.
  • Share your thoughts and feelings too. Are you angry? Afraid? Excited? Let her know what you are thinking.

What You Shouldn’t Do

Everybody is overwhelmed. Emotions are running high. The bottom line, you have a responsibility. Here are some things you shouldn’t do:

  • Don’t disappear. This is as much your concern as it is hers. Don’t abandon her.
  • Avoid pressuring her. Whatever decision is made, the two of you need to agree.
  • Don’t just blow it off as if it’s no big deal. You have a voice about what happens to your child.
  • Don’t let others influence your decision. Stand up for what you want.

Your Next Step

Once you have all of the facts, it’s time to make a decision. No one has the right to pressure you to make one choice over another. You and your partner need to agree on what’s best.

Come with her to an appointment at Hope Women’s Center. We will verify her pregnancy with testing and an ultrasound. You, your partner, and one of our staff can sit down, discuss your current situation, your future dreams, and make a plan that’s best for everyone.

If you choose to co-parent, we offer a number of resources to assist men and women. As a Dad, you and your partner may want to attend our Parenting classes.

Contact us today to schedule your free appointment. Get all the facts before you decide what to do. Your opinion matters!

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