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Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you have a big decision in front of you. If you feel parenting this child is out of the question at this time in your life, you have two other options, abortion or adoption.

How do you figure out which one is better? Both options have a lifetime of consequences. You need to get as much information as possible about each before you decide.

Hope Women’s Center understands how difficult this decision is. Contact us and schedule a free consultation so we can thoroughly review abortion methods and risks, as well as how to make an adoption plan.

First Things First

There are three steps we suggest you take before you make an appointment with an abortion clinic or an adoption agency. You need to verify your pregnancy and make sure you’re protected from infection. Your health and the health of your pregnancy determine a great deal.

Step 1. Pregnancy Test Confirmation

Whether you’ve taken an at-home pregnancy test or you’re wondering if you’re pregnant, we offer free pregnancy testing. Did you know it’s possible to experience common pregnancy symptoms without being pregnant? Our pregnancy tests have a 99% accuracy rate. 

Step 2. An Ultrasound Examination

If you get a positive result on one of our pregnancy tests, your next step is a free limited ultrasound at Hope Women’s Center. There are several reasons you need an ultrasound. First, it will show you if your pregnancy is viable. 

A viable pregnancy is a growing pregnancy and has an audible heartbeat. Experts say you have at least a 10 to 20% chance of having a miscarriage. Ultrasound is the only way to find out if you’ve had a miscarriage or not.

Ultrasound is also the best way to identify how far along you are. Knowing how long you’ve been pregnant will determine whether you can have the abortion pill method or a surgical method to terminate your pregnancy.

You’ll also want to know where your pregnancy is located. If it’s not in your uterus, it could be extremely dangerous.

Step 3. STD/STI Testing

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, an untreated infection such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, or bacterial vaginosis can increase a woman’s chance of having an infection after an abortion procedure. 

It’s also possible to transfer an STI from mother to baby during birth. Here at Hope Women’s Center, we offer free STD/STI testing.

Abortion vs. Adoption

Every situation is unique just like you. No matter if you choose abortion or adoption, you will write a new chapter in your life’s story. How do you want it to read?


Abortion is not a simple medical procedure. Although it may seem like the easier way out of your situation, there are definite physical and emotional side effects and potential risks. 

Some women report feeling relief when the procedure is over but as time goes along, they express sadness and grief. How do you think you’d respond to abortion?


Making an adoption plan is also very difficult. It has definite emotional consequences. Adoption also opens up the opportunity to have a relationship with your child without the day-to-day responsibilities. 

Some women know from the beginning that adoption is the right choice for them. Other women struggle to find the perfect family and decide how much contact is enough. How do you think you’d respond to adoption?

Making The Decision

No one can force you or tell you what to do. At Hope Women’s Center, we’re happy to sit down and talk with you about abortion methods and adoption plans. The more information you have, the more confident you’ll feel about your decision.

When you visit us for your free consultation, there won’t be any judgment, lectures, or manipulation. We’re a safe place to express your fears, get advice, and find a shoulder to cry on if you need one. Contact us and let’s talk about these two options.

Know my state.
Know my options.