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If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy but are confident that abortion is not in the cards for you, rest assured that adoption or parenting options are available. Adoption means placing your baby with a loving family, while parenting means raising your child yourself. Both are big responsibilities that can be rewarding. 

If you already know abortion is not an option you want to pursue, read the article below on the remaining two options to help you make an informed decision.


While babies don’t come with an instruction manual, there are a few essential questions you can ask yourself to help evaluate how prepared you are:

  • Do I have a support system in place if I were to raise my baby?
  • Where will my baby and I live?
  • Is there a way to further my education or career goals if I have a baby? 

Parenthood may seem overwhelming, but you don’t have to have the answers to all of these questions right away! Whether you have the support of a partner/family or are considering single parenting, options and resources are available to help you.

The Hope Women’s Center team can help you navigate this journey as you consider parenting. Contact us today for a free appointment where you can ask questions and learn about the many resources available.


If you are considering placing your baby for adoption, ensure you understand the options available. As the biological parent, you are in the driver’s seat, so there is a lot of autonomy to create an adoption plan that best fits your situation. 

Some terms that are helpful to be aware of include: 

  • Open Adoption– You have an in-person relationship with your child and your chosen adoptive family. Open adoption makes up the majority of adoptions today.
  • Closed Adoption– You do not have a relationship with your child or adoptive family, and the courts seal details about you and the adoption.
  • Semi-Open Adoption– You communicate through the adoption agency of your choice to exchange non-identifying information with the adoptive parents. 

With multiple types of adoption, you can choose the one that works best for your needs.

The adoption agency often assists with pregnancy and childbirth medical costs.

If this is an option that you’re interested in exploring, we also offer free appointments where you can ask all your adoption-related questions in a pressure-free environment.


You are not alone in this journey. Hope Women’s Center is here to walk beside you and ensure you feel empowered to decide what is best for your pregnancy. 
Whether you want to schedule a free ultrasound or options consultation, we are here to connect you to local resources and act as a support system on your pregnancy journey. Contact us today!

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