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There are two types of abortion procedures: medical abortion and surgical abortion. There are risks that come with both.

When considering an abortion, it’s important for your health and safety to always speak to a trusted medical professional or pregnancy center to understand the impact abortion may have on you.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion ends a pregnancy through a medication regimen using mifepristone and misoprostol. These two drugs combined are also known as the abortion pill.

First, mifepristone blocks progesterone, an essential hormone in pregnancy. When this occurs, the uterine walls thin, causing the attached embryo to become detached.

Then, misoprostol causes contractions to remove the detached embryo and pregnancy tissue from the body through the vagina.  

Risks that should be discussed include:

  • Incomplete abortion, where some of the growing fetal tissue remains in the uterus
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection, to include fever
  • Digestive system discomfort

According to the Mayo Clinic, individuals with certain health conditions, pregnancy complications, or pregnancies past a specific gestational age will not qualify for this type of abortion. Understanding your health and options is important prior to having a medical abortion.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion is when a woman goes through a surgical procedure to end a pregnancy. The following are two common types of surgical abortions:

  • Dilation and Curettage (D&C): small instruments or medication are used to dilate the cervix. Next, a surgical instrument called a curette, which can be a sharp instrument or suction device, is used to remove the pregnancy tissue and endometrium, terminating the pregnancy.
  • Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): usually includes a combination of vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage, and the use of surgical instruments (such as forceps) to remove the fetal and endometrial tissue, ending the pregnancy.

Potential risks of these procedures include:

  • Uterine perforation
  • Cervical injury
  • Infection/fever
  • Excessive bleeding

These serious, invasive surgeries should always be thoroughly discussed and contemplated. Reach out to your local pregnancy center or provider to gain the knowledge you need to make an informed decision before undergoing a surgical abortion.

Schedule A Free Appointment

If you’re pregnant and considering an abortion, here are three important steps to take:

1. Verify your pregnancy
2. Get an Ultrasound to know how far along you are
3. Test for STIs

Hope Women’s Center provides pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and STI testing by medical staff at no charge to our patients. Be prepared. Be informed.

Make an appointment today to schedule a pre-abortion exam with our medical staff today.

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