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Need clarity when it comes to your pregnancy test results? We offer free pregnancy testing so you can start to get the answers you need before jumping to any pregnancy conclusions.

It’s possible to experience common pregnancy symptoms without being pregnant. A late period, nausea, fatigue, and tender breasts can all be caused by other factors even though they are also pregnancy symptoms. If your pregnancy test comes back negative, you’ll want to visit a doctor to see what else might be at play.

When Do I Take A Pregnancy Test?

The best time to take a pregnancy test is on the day of your expected period. Waiting this time gives the Human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG hormone time to build and be detected by home pregnancy tests.

If you take a test too early, you risk receiving a false negative. This post will discuss pregnancy tests and best practices when taking them.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

There are two types of pregnancy tests, urine, and blood. Both types look for the presence of hCG—a hormone only made during pregnancy. If this hormone is detected, the test will be positive. If no hCG is detected, the result will be negative.

What if I Get A positive Result?

If your test comes back positive, your next step is to get an ultrasound. This will answer important questions about the pregnancy that will inform any decisions you make. An unplanned pregnancy means you have a few different options to choose from, and an ultrasound will provide more information.

We provide free ultrasounds at Hope Women’s Center. If your test comes back positive, we’ll offer one to you so you can know as much as possible about your pregnancy.

Confirm Your Pregnancy 

If you think you’re pregnant, contact us today to schedule a free pregnancy testing appointment. We know how overwhelmed and confused you may feel and we’re here to help!

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