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If you are exploring options for an unplanned pregnancy in Texas, it’s important to note that abortion is currently illegal in the state. As a result, you would need to travel out of state to access abortion services. Make sure to thoroughly research your options locally before traveling.

At Hope Women’s Center, we offer no-cost services, including consultations, where you can discuss your options and come away feeling fully informed.

The Abortion Pill

The abortion pill, also called a medication abortion, involves a combination of two drugs:

  • Mifepristone: The first drug blocks progesterone, a hormone necessary for the pregnancy to continue.
  • Misoprostol: The second drug induces contractions to expel the pregnancy tissue.

The abortion pill is FDA-approved through 10 weeks of pregnancy. It is often used early in pregnancy when surgical options may not be necessary.

Potential risks of this procedure include:

  • The pregnancy tissue not completely being expelled from the body, which is known as an incomplete abortion.
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding.
  • Infection.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion is typically performed later in the pregnancy when the abortion pill is no longer an option. There are two main types of surgical abortion, chosen based on how far along the pregnancy is.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

A D&C is typically performed earlier in the pregnancy. The procedure involves dilating (opening) the cervix to allow medical instruments, such as a curettage (a spoon-shaped scraping tool) and suction, to remove the pregnancy from the uterus.

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)

A D&E is performed in the second trimester or later. This procedure is similar to a D&C but often requires additional tools, like forceps, to remove the larger parts of the pregnancy.

Potential risks of these procedures include:

  • Uterine perforation (poking a hole with a medical instrument).
  • Cervical injury.
  • Infection/fever.
  • Excessive bleeding.

Schedule a No-Cost Appointment

Take advantage of our no-cost services, including STI testing, pregnancy testing, and ultrasounds. These services provide valuable information, such as gestational age (how far along you are in your pregnancy), which helps determine the procedures you’re eligible for.

Contact us now to book your appointment!

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