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“You like potato and I like potahto. You like tomato and I like tomahto.”  With some things, the differences are so minute that it’s almost not worth mentioning. However, in the case of Plan B and the Abortion Pill, there are a few significant differences that are vital for you to know as you make a decision about an unplanned pregnancy. 

If you recently had unprotected sex and are worried you might be pregnant or have taken a positive pregnancy test, read on to learn more about your options!

What is “Plan B”?

Plan B is a form of emergency contraception taken to prevent a pregnancy before it occurs. Also known as “the morning-after pill,” this over-the-counter drug must be taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. It typically costs somewhere between $15 – $60.

How does Plan B work?

Plan B will function differently in preventing pregnancy depending on the stage of your menstrual cycle. Here are the three ways Plan B acts in preventing unwanted pregnancies:

  1. Hindering the egg from being fertilized

  2. Postponing or stopping the egg from being released (ovulation) 

  3. Modifying the uterine lining to keep the egg from implanting 

The main thing to note here is that Plan B does not end a pregnancy that has already begun developing. Instead, it prevents a pregnancy from ever happening at all.

What are the side effects of Plan B?

While Plan B is considered a form of birth control, women should avoid using it as much as possible. Not only is it only 89% effective, but it is also accompanied by many unwanted side effects, such as:

  • Abdominal Pain

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Breast tenderness

  • Nausea and vomiting 

  • Tiredness

  • Bleeding

What is the Abortion Pill?

Also known as a “Medical Abortion,” the Abortion Pill is a type of abortion most often used in the first 11 weeks of pregnancy. It is a two-pill process and is started in a medical office and completed by the woman at home. The cost can range anywhere from $300 to $800.


How does the Abortion Pill work?

The main difference between Plan B and the Abortion Pill is that the Abortion Pill is used to end a pregnancy that has already developed. Before you have an abortion, you’ll want to confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnant test and an ultrasound scan. The ultrasound will ensure that your pregnancy is no more than 77 days along, meaning you will qualify for a medical abortion. To schedule an appointment for a free pregnancy test and ultrasound, call us today!

The Abortion Pill is actually a two-pill process. The first step, Mifepristone, stops the production of progesterone, a naturally produced hormone that helps the pregnancy grow. The second step, taken at home, is a pill called Misoprostol. After taking this drug, the woman will start having contractions and eventually expel the pregnancy from the uterus. 


What are the side effects of the Abortion Pill?

Before making a decision regarding your unplanned pregnancy, it’s essential to understand the possible risks and side-effects you might experience with the Abortion Pill, including:

  • Abdominal Pain 

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Heavy/persistent bleeding


Along with these common side effects, the Abortion Pill is associated with more severe risks. In the case of an “incomplete abortion” you’ll be required to undergo a surgical abortion. Additionally, the Abortion Pill has been reported to cause some women intense emotional trauma.

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or are worried you might be pregnant? Hope Women’s Center is here to help you confirm your pregnancy and explore your options in a confidential and judgment-free space!

We believe women experiencing unwanted pregnancies should be empowered through access to free healthcare and pregnancy counseling services to make a decision that’s best for them and their future! 

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