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Maybe you’re considering taking the abortion pill after finding out your pregnant. An unplanned pregnancy can bring financial stress, anxiety, and confusion. Know you are not alone in this process and have options. Take your time and learn about all your options and the risks before making a pregnancy decision. If you want to know more about Medicaid and if it pays for medication abortion (the abortion pill), here is more information about coverage in Texas.

What Is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a government-sponsored healthcare provider that covers millions of Americans every year. It covers low-income families, specifically pregnant women who don’t have medical insurance during their pregnancy. Eligibility for Medicaid differs from state to state, with federal requirements for each. Certain states are required to include specific individuals within their Medicaid plan.

Does Medicaid Pay for the Abortion Pill in Texas?

While some states allow Medicaid to pay for the abortion pill, Texas does not. Texas law prevents insurers from covering abortions as a part of your overall health insurance plan. There are some exclusions from this, including when abortion is needed to save you from death or serious physical injury. Medicaid only covers abortion in cases of life-threatening conditions, rape, or incest. (aclutx.org)

Risks of the Abortion Pill

Any abortion method is a serious medical procedure with expected risks and side effects. Before choosing medication abortion, by taking the abortion pill drugs, here are some of the risks:

Potential risks of medication abortion include:

  • Incomplete abortion (may need to be followed by surgical abortion)
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fever

Receive Free Pregnancy Services

If you need free pregnancy services to confirm your pregnancy, we can help! Confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and receive an ultrasound to know how far along you are. An ultrasound can also alert you to any health risks or pregnancy complications.

We at Hope Women’s Center offer free and confidential pregnancy services, including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, options education, and more. Though we do not provide abortions, we are here to help you through your pregnancy journey. Our help and support to make an informed decision for your future is always a phone call away.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment with us today to learn more about your options.

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