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Pregnancy Fears Are Normal

Telling your parents you’re pregnant can be scary. You’re wondering how they will react. Especially when you are still in school, living under their roof.

Will they cry because they’re disappointed, or will they be furious? Just as your mind started racing the minute you discovered your unplanned pregnancy, their minds will start running too. Not knowing how they will respond is likely what’s making you afraid.

The truth is, your parent’s reaction will also be from fear. What will your pregnancy mean for you, your future, and ultimately, the family as a whole? It’s the unknown that causes people to be afraid. Sometimes the fear of the unknown “originates from imagined dangers.”

Learn Pregnancy Options

Once you have verified your pregnancy with a free pregnancy test, its time to learn your options.

One of the best ways to address your parent’s fear and your own is to know your options. Having an idea of what they can do to help and how they can support you will let them know you’re prepared to make an adult decision. By offering that information, you can reassure them about what everyone’s future might hold.

You Can Talk to Us Before Your Parents

If you’re hesitant to speak to your parents, the most important thing is to talk with a pregnancy center staff member. You can take a free in-clinic pregnancy test and have a free ultrasound. Both of these will verify if your pregnancy is viable and how far along you are. Then, you can look at the options you have regarding your pregnancy, and what those options mean for your future. As you provide information about your family situation and your personal goals, a trained pregnancy professional can help you figure out how to tell your parents.  

Talking to your parents about an unplanned pregnancy won’t be easy. All of your lives will be forever changed no matter what choice you make, but with the right information and facts, you can help them understand what you’re going through, what your options are, and how they can support you at this time.

Contact Hope Women’s Center

By reaching out to the pregnancy center first, you won’t be handling it alone. You’ll have the support of people who understand and care. Contact us today. 

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